Career Insights: How Much Do Automotive Service Technicians Make in the US?


There are different careers you can look into if you’re interested in cars and the automotive industry in a more general sense. You can work on an assembly line, making sure the vehicles that a company puts out are in excellent shape for consumers. You can also work on designing cars.

If you’re looking for jobs, Heber, Utah, has many in the automotive niche. It’s a hotbed of automotive positions, and you should be able to locate one that utilizes your unique skill set. 

One of the most desirable positions you might look into is an automotive service technician. We’ll talk about that right now. In particular, we’ll focus on how much money you can make at this job. 

What is an Automotive Service Technician?

If you’re looking at automotive service technician jobs, that’s a fancy way of saying you’re a  mechanic. If you’re an automotive service technician, you will work on cars that are having issues. You might give cars or other vehicles tune-ups. You may switch out faulty parts or try to figure out why a vehicle is making a noise or acting up in some other way. 

Part of what’s nice about automotive service technician jobs is that you can find them all over the country. This is a position that’s always available if you look around. You can also work in a private auto body shop or in one that’s part of a national chain. You might get one of these jobs working for a particular automotive brand. 

How Much Do Automotive Service Technicians Usually Make?

The average automotive service technician makes a little less than $53K annually. You can also make as much as $73K or more. On the low end, you might make as much as $42K per year or a little over that.

This might be enough for you to live comfortably in some parts of the country, but not so much in others. Making $53K in New York City is not going to be enough for you to live an opulent lifestyle. If you reside somewhere less desirable or more rural, that might be plenty of money for you to live on, and still have some left over to save for retirement or your next vacation. 

What Are Some Additional Considerations for Automotive Service Technicians?

There are some ways you can maximize your earning potential as an automotive service technician. Probably the way to make the most money and to be the most hireable prospect is to continue learning your craft as the years pass.

Newer-model cars have different parts than older ones. If you only know how to fix older vehicles, your skills won’t be as desirable. 

If you continue to learn about new car models as they come out, though, you will be able to maximize your earnings. You will also have a skill set that should come in handy in virtually any part of the country that you choose to live in. This job is appealing for that reason. 

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