Finding Work-Life Balance When You Have a Demanding Career


Striking a healthy balance between your work life and your home life effectively reinforces the quality of both. This is particularly true for people who have challenging occupations. Here are some important considerations about what you need to do to balance the rigors of your profession with other important priorities in your life.

Take a Practical Approach to Making Your Weekly Schedule  

Managing work-life balance is a common problem for individuals in demanding job roles that impose rigid scheduling limitations. In many professions, there is simply little or no flexibility in having to be in a particular place at a set time. Individuals who practice criminal law, for example, have to be in court when a judge is going to hear their motions. Likewise, construction project managers need to be present when they have an appointment scheduled with an inspector. Immutable obligations are a significant challenge, so you have to be strategic in managing them.

Always structure your schedule with appropriate planning around the work events and demands that you cannot change. You need to apply this same practice to managing the important things that you need to do outside of work to take care of yourself and the people who you love.

Identifying key time commitment priorities and planning around them can help to ensure that you are able to fulfill them. This foundational part of your time management strategy can also make it easier for you to optimize how you allocate your time to both work and life commitments that have more flexibility.

Give Your Health the Attention That It Needs

Making time for basic self-care is integral to your ability to excel in your position. Your productivity will suffer if you cannot effectively address medical issues or get care when you need it. In fact, it will be a lot harder to accomplish everything that you need to do over the course o a workday when you are feeling unwell. Consequently, you may end up spending more of your time on work but ultimately get less work done.

Prioritize your health in order to safeguard your productivity. Make time for appointments with care providers, and do not delay treatment for the sake of not wanting to take time away from work. Be consistent about self-care practices that are vital to your preventive healthcare management. Take steps to get enough sleep every night and maintain a regular sleep schedule. Also, block off time every day to get a moderate amount of exercise.

Take Time Off

You cannot maintain a sprinting pace without a break every now and then. Busy professionals have to be wary about burnout. Try to plan your time off well in advance so that you can coordinate with colleagues and prepare to unplug. 

When you are taking time off, give yourself a meaningful break. Disengage yourself from work, make a voicemail greeting to let people know you are away, and set up an auto-reply on your email account. In tough occupations, time off is precious. Take full advantage of it to take your mind off of work and do something fun or relaxing.


Professionals in a continuous time crunch due to the exigencies of their occupation often feel compelled to sacrifice their personal wellness needs in order to get their work done. While this toll on personal health is motivated by strong work ethics and other venerable intentions, neglecting health concerns is inevitably going to lead to problems with work. In addition to your performance suffering, your morale and job satisfaction will also be likely to falter. Staying conscientious about your work-life balance and setting reasonable expectations for yourself will help you do your best possible work.

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