Your Choices Influence Others



I love participating in twitter chats. I always learn a lot and feel motivated and inspired afterwards. There are a few that I take part in weekly – one of which is TChat via Talent Culture. Last week we discussed Social Influence.

Influence is a topic that I find very interesting. When I search on twitter I can find people who are angry or do nothing but bitch and moan. Then there are others that make the effort to engage and really go out of their way to “talk” with people. They make a connection, create positivity and genuinely seem interested in others.

I also see this type of influence in “real life” whether it be at work, or at the corner coffee shop. Some people you just want to be around. Hear what they have to say. Others, you are looking for the nearest exit.

Did you know that your ability to influence others is far greater than you may think?

Most of us naturally follow the lead of others – whether it is the latest fashions, newest music, cars and even the food choices we make.

You can affect others by your energy, your words and your actions. Think about how you treat people during the day; your spouse, your kids, the bus driver, sales people, fellow employees, your boss – your actions and words have a ripple effect. Like a stack of dominoes falling one after another. Or better yet, the boomerang principle.

Each of us has the power to directly influence dozens of lives each and every day. Indirectly, we have the power to influence hundreds of lives daily, without even realizing it.

Are you influencing people in a positive way or a negative way?

Being self-aware and knowing yourself is the key to making conscious choices every day. Ask yourself “What affect do I want to have today?” “What experience do I want to have today?”

The choices you make draw people to you or push them away.

Think about your messaging. Is it clear or confused? Is it strong or weak? Is it carrying or angry? Is it positive or negative?

Moods are contagious. What mood will I catch from you?

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.”
― Albert Schweitzer
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  1. joyviz – United States – Partner and co-owner of Vizwerx Group, LLC, a management consulting group that uses visual thinking practices to help teams work better together.
    Joy Guthrie says:

    Great reminders for today and every day, Chantal!

  2. Enjoyed your post, Chantal! The lesson for my first class this semester was on self-awareness, and we talked about influence. Students were intrigued to think about how their words, actions, non-verbals can influence many, even those they may not be aware of that are watching.

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