Do Public Spaces Give You Anxiety? Try These 5 Techniques


Significant fear and nervousness are aspects that characterize anxiety disorders, and these are usually accompanied by physical symptoms that are uncomfortable to bear. When suffering from anxiety disorder, it can be difficult to enter public spaces, and this can significantly impact your social life. Even with interventions, anxiety may never go away completely, but with the right steps, you can manage your symptoms so you feel more secure and safe when in these kinds of situations. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when dealing with anxiety disorder.   

1.      Practice Breathing

Partaking in breathing exercises is an effective way of dealing with symptoms of suffering from mental health. When anxiety symptoms begin to manifest, the first thing that occurs is the change in your breathing. Hyperventilation and shortness of breath are among the common symptoms associated with anxiety and panic attacks. Slow and deep breaths elicit feelings of calm and relaxation and prevent other symptoms such as chest pain and rapid heart rate from escalating.

2.      Bring a Friend

A trusted friend can be an important factor when it comes to dealing with anxiety and panic attacks in public spaces. Just like any other mental health condition, social support can be instrumental in making one feel secure and relaxed during panic situations. Explain to your friend about your fears and formulate a plan on what to do when symptoms begin to manifest.

3.      Visualize a Positive Outcome

If you fear being in the presence of many people, you may have concluded that being in public is a negative experience for you. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to note that how you feel in these situations may be a result of your negative predictions and perceptions. Visualize a positive outcome by tapping into your senses and imagination to manage your anxiety.

4.      Get Help With Agoraphobia

Currently, panic disorder is diagnosed as manifesting with or without agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is a mental health condition that entails immense fear of having anxiety or panic attacks when in public spaces. Agoraphobia is characterized by extreme avoidance behaviors in which a person avoids different situations so they can feel safe. For instance, if you are suffering from agoraphobia, you may avoid crowds or public transportation. In extreme cases, you may never leave the house.

5.      Take Caution

People with agoraphobia or panic disorder should make sure they take caution and avoid rushing into situations that will cause them anxiety. If you are learning to be more confident in public, you need to set a realistic goal, such as ascertaining the duration of time you’ll be in a public situation. Limit your exposure to crowds as you slowly work your way to longer exposures. Imaginal desensitization can be extremely helpful in unlearning fears and overcoming situations that bring about panic and anxiety.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with panic attacks and anxiety in public situations is not an easy thing to do. However, with the above steps, you can easily manage your anxiety and panic attacks. All in all, if you believe that your situation has gotten out of hand, book an appointment with a mental health expert to get professional help.

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