10 Reasons It’s Hard to Blog Consistently but You Can Learn How


It’s not easy to find the time to blog. It can be difficult to write a compelling headline that will entice people into reading your content. And it takes a lot of effort and patience to create a well-written post, only for it to go unnoticed by readers.

These are all valid reasons why blogging is so hard! In this article, we’ll cover 10 reasons why blogging may seem like such a struggle – but don’t worry! At the end of this post, you’ll have some tips on how you can make blogging easier.

1. It’s hard to find the time to blog

One of the main reasons why blogging is so hard is because it can be difficult to find the time to do it. Between working a full-time job, taking care of your family, and running errands, there often aren’t enough hours in the day to squeeze in blogging.

But don’t worry – there are ways to make time for blogging! One way is to set aside a specific day of the week or hour of the day that you will dedicate to writing blog posts. This can be tricky at first, but it will become easier once you get into a routine.

Another way to find time to blog is to get your family involved. Ask them if they can help you with some of the housework so that you can take a blogging break or plan fun activities for when it’s time to sit down and write!

2. It’s hard to come up with compelling headlines

Another reason why blogging may seem like such a struggle is that it can be hard to come up with compelling headlines. When you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, the posts that catch your eye are usually the ones with attention-grabbing headlines.

But don’t worry – there are ways to come up with catchy headlines! One way is to use numbers in your headline (ex: “15 Ways to Find Time to Blog”), as they tend to perform very well on social media platforms. Another way is to tell a story in your headline (ex: “A Day in The Life of a Busy Mom”).

What’s the first thing you see when you go onto Facebook? Headlines! Make it easy for people who are scrolling through their feed to see your post by using a catchy headline.

3. It can be difficult to write well-written posts

It’s no secret that writing quality content is hard work. It takes a lot of time and effort to create a post that is both informative and interesting to read.

But don’t worry – there are ways to make writing easier! One way is to come up with a plan before you start writing. This could mean coming up with an outline of your post or having a list of points that you want to cover.

Another way to make writing easier is to take breaks often. When you’re in the zone and really getting into your post, it can be easy to forget to take a break. But taking short breaks every once in a while, will help you stay focused and motivated.

4. It’s hard to get people to read your content

It can be discouraging when you spend hours writing a great blog post, only for no one to read it. But don’t worry – there are ways to get people reading your content!

One way is to use a call-to-action in the last paragraph of your post. For example, you could ask readers if they enjoyed your post and would like more similar content in the future (ex: “What do you think? Will this help us find time to blog?”).

Another way that you can get people to read your post is by sharing it on social media. You can use hashtags like #bloggingtips and #howto in the caption of every Instagram photo – this will show up in searches, making it easier for others to find your posts!

5. It’s hard to build an audience

Another reason why blogging can be such a struggle is that it can be difficult to build your blog readers. When you first start out, it may feel like no one cares about what you have to say – and this could make it hard for you to find the motivation to continue blogging every day/week/month.

But don’t worry – there are ways to build an audience! One way is by using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to share your content. You can also join blogging communities and collaborate with other bloggers.

The most important thing is to be patient and keep writing quality content that people will enjoy reading. As long as you have a great blog post, you can be sure that someone will eventually find it.

6. It’s hard to generate engagement

Another reason why blogging may seem so difficult is that it can be hard to generate good conversations with your readers. Many bloggers get discouraged when they don’t see any comments on their posts – but this doesn’t always mean that no one is reading them.

But don’t worry – there are ways to generate engagement! One way is by replying to comments and questions on your blog posts. This will show readers that you care about what they think, making it feel more like a conversation than just an audience/author relationship.

Another way to generate engagement is by using social media platforms. You can post questions and polls on Twitter or start a discussion thread on Facebook. This will help you connect with your readers on a more personal level.

7. It’s hard to stick to a schedule

One of the biggest challenges that bloggers face is sticking to a regular schedule. It can feel so easy to take a break from blogging when you have other responsibilities or distractions in life.

But don’t worry – there are ways to stick with a schedule! One way is by scheduling your posts for the future. For example, if you decide that you’re going to post every Monday and Thursday at 11am, then set a reminder for yourself.

Another way to stick with a schedule is by doing the work ahead of time. For example, if you’re going to take two weeks off from blogging, then write down ideas and drafts for future posts in advance! This will help make it easier when you come back – because your blog readers won’t even know that you were gone.

8. It’s hard to build a writing habit

One of the biggest struggles that bloggers face is building the blogging habit – but it doesn’t have to be this way!

First, you need to find your blogging niche and figure out what types of posts will resonate with your audience. Then, stick to a regular schedule and make time for blogging in your daily routine.

Last, but not least, be patient! It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a successful blogger – but it’s definitely worth it in the end.

9. It’s hard to come up with new ideas

One of the biggest struggles that bloggers face is coming up with new ideas. It can feel so hard to come up with a good topic for your next blog post – especially when you’re already busy and have no time to spare!

But don’t worry – there are ways to find inspiration! One way is by keeping track of the topics or questions that readers ask you on social media. You can also join blogging communities and collaborate with other bloggers.

Another way to find inspiration is by browsing the internet for interesting articles and stories. This will help you come up with new topic ideas that your readers will love!

10. It’s hard to stay motivated

One of the biggest struggles that bloggers face is staying motivated.

It can feel so easy to take a break from blogging when you have other responsibilities or find it difficult to work on your blog due to an influx of negative thoughts or feelings.

But don’t worry – there are ways for you to stay motivated! One way is by setting short-term goals that will help you reach your long-term blogging goals.

Another way to stay motivated is by surrounding yourself with positive people who will encourage you along the way! This can be in person or online, through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter where you can connect with bloggers all over the world.

Last, but not least, don’t forget about the reward system! Treat yourself to something nice when you’re feeling down or whenever you reach a blogging milestone. It will help motivate you, even more, knowing that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

To conclude, it is difficult for bloggers to come up with new ideas and stick with the writing schedule but once they get into a groove, it becomes much easier. Building a habit and staying motivated are two of the biggest challenges that bloggers face, but with a little bit of effort, it can be done!

So don’t give up if you find yourself struggling – keep on blogging and you’ll see success in the future!

Do you find it hard to blog consistently? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

About the Author:

With over 25+ years in marketing and on her tenth year blogging away at Inspire To Thrive Lisa loves helping others with social media, blogging, SEO, and small business. She provides these services to small businesses and well as consultations and social media training.

One comment

  1. Good job Lisa. Going in-depth feels challenging at times. I am updating old blog posts almost daily. Doing so consumes hours of already busy days. But focusing on the freedoms blogging gives me motivates me to move forward, to get the work done and to enjoy a life of travel.


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