Advantages of VPN in your digital marketing toolkit


Are you someone who is growing more and more interested in digital marketing? Then you should look to get a VPN. While it might not seem the case to begin with, a VPN has many advantages for anyone who is taking part in digital marketing. According to research by, 25% of internet users have used a VPN within the last month. Why, then, should you include one in your new digital marketing toolkit?

1.         Heightened security

For one, VPNs are very safe and easy to work with. The fact they give you anonymity allows you to work in the background without the same regional and geographical limitations that your present internet might normally allow for. It’s for this reason that many people decide to pick up a VPN as part of their digital marketing process.

It might not seem it at first, but this is one of the best tools for making sure you are well-secure when marketing. The fact you are far less visible means you can market properly without having to worry about privacy.

2.         Prompt link building

One interesting part of using a VPN, though, is the fact that it allows for better and faster link building. As a digital marketer, you will know yourself just how useful that can be. It’s great for link building as you can start creating higher authority links easier than before. For example, you might find it hard to create more than one link on your normal internet: using a VPN would allow you to side-step that problem and create more links faster.

This allows you to visit websites and create more links than you would have done if you were just on the one IP address. Now, you can start getting the link building process moving forward faster, leading to generally far more impressive results than you might get at the moment. That is a pretty useful skill for digital marketers who enjoy building links, but get frustrated at the limits.

3.         Smarter search engine optimization

Another nice part of using a VPN in your digital marketing is that it can tend to help your search engine optimisation (SEO) all at once. Why? Because you won’t be hampered by the same personalisation that can make the internet experience feel so hollow. A VPN takes you away from the usual personality that Google has assigned you, so you can start doing more effective SEO without the bias that you were working with beforehand.

Now, you can start picking up valuable information about how your website actually ranks without having to take into account the limitations of local optimisation.

4.         Quick-and-dirty remote access

A rather interesting part of using a VPN is that it tends to give you easier remote access. This used to be a nightmare, especially for a digital marketer. Thanks to the development of cloud software, VPNs make it nice and easy for you to get remote access without having to invest in expensive networking equipment as you would have done in the past.

For marketing, that can be surprisingly useful. It’s definitely one of the main reasons why you should look to start using a VPN. Now, your team can know what the VPN is being used for – and who it is being used by.

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5.         Get connected to the mobile customers

When using a VPN, you can also find it a bit easier to connect yourself to mobile customers during your digital marketing. Why? Because you will find that your VPN helps you to connect with more users that you might have missed out on in the past. You will b able to more readily make a connection with the user, and thus be able to help them make a more informed decision about what they need. Without a VPN, it might be harder to make that connection due to geographical limitations or geo-blocking limiting your marketing contact.

6.         Potential to earn higher revenues

Of course, every business wants to make more money. If you start using a VPN as part of your digital marketing process, you have the chance to earn more money. You will be able to work faster, and you will be able to get around many of the barriers that can slow down your working day. Instead, you can spend more time doing what you are best at, instead of spending all of your time trying to get around geo-blocks and other issues that a VPN overcome.

Your digital marketing business will benefit in the form of increased profits because you can now work faster, smarter, and harder, all at once.

7.         Successful remote working

Another nice benefit of using a tool like a VPN is that it can make it much easier for you to get access to remote work as and when you need it. Say you need to make a quick change to a website or a Google Ads campaign. You could do this over a risky public Wi-Fi, sure, but why would you want to?

You can instead get access to all of the content that you need to change in an instant thanks to remote working. It’s a very useful way to make sure that you can get work done quicker without having to worry about compromising your security standards on a public Wi-Fi.

Whether you need to log into a WordPress website or you need to edit a Google campaign, you will find that a VPN makes it much easier for you to work remotely without the same stress.

8.         Affordability

Lastly, we recommend that you start using a VPN in your digital marketing kit as it is just so affordable. Every business wants to spend less to get more, and you will find that a VPN helps you to do just that.

A VPN can be a good investment for your digital marketing firm. You can often pay a small premium per month to give you all the help that you need for implementing better endpoint security on all of your marketing for a fraction of the normal cost.

Therefore, it’s an excellent, cost-effective solution.

Author bio:

John Lewis is the community manager at, he has a passion for computing and web design, and when not in the gym enjoys cycling, swimming and rugby.



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