5 Skills Employers Want to See on a Resume


When employers read your resume, they look for evidence that you’ll be able to do the job and that you can do it well. By highlighting the right skills on your resume, you ensure that they understand why you’re suitable for the role and will be an asset to the company.

In this article we’ll look at the top 5 skills employers want to see on a resume, regardless of which industry you’re applying for work in.

  1. Interpersonal skills

Also known as people skills, interpersonal skills are a combination of your personality traits your natural approach to social interactions. They help you understand other people and adjust how you approach them in a bid to collaborate successfully.

Some examples of interpersonal skills are:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Active listening
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Negotiation
  • Humility
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Empathy

Employees who have honed their interpersonal skills are more likely to build strong relationships with clients and work well as part of a team. This means that developing your interpersonal skills can help you excel in practically any career.

  1. Teamwork skills

Teamwork is one of the most important qualities you should strive for in the office. While some jobs in industries like IT can largely be done on your own, the majority of positions in most fields require some level of cooperation. 

Because of this, hiring managers search for employees who won’t just work well independently, but who understand the importance of working together toward a common goal and supporting your colleagues. 

If you have previous experience working on a team or collaborating on projects, make sure to mention it on your resume. Here’s a good example:

  • Coordinated with internal teams to come up with innovative brand designs ideas and collaborated with the design team to create illustrations, graphics, and other types of content based on these ideas

This applicant communicates that they’ve been involved in successful collaborative projects in the past.

  1. Time management skills

Effective time management doesn’t just mean arriving at work on time. Employees who manage their time well are valuable to employers because they can be trusted to plan business events, meet project deadlines, set achievable goals, and prioritize tasks accurately.

A good way to demonstrate your time management skills is by giving specific, quantified examples in your resume’s experience section.

Here’s an example of a resume bullet point that proves the candidate possesses good time management skills:

  • Planned shift schedule for 100+ warehouse workers and implemented measures to reduce truck loading time by 15%

In this bullet point, the candidate shows that their time management skills make them an efficient employee who can contribute to the team.

  1. Problem solving skills

One thing that defines a successful business is its employees’ ability to problem solve. Even companies that are run well will encounter issues on a regular basis. 

If you can convince employers that you’ll be able to solve some of these problems, you increase your chances of being invited to a second interview. 

When you make your resume, provide specific examples of times when you applied your problem solving skills in past positions and what you achieved by doing so.

  1. Leadership skills

If you’re applying for a management position or any role that will require you to delegate tasks, showcasing leadership skills on your resume is a must. Good leaders are able to bring out the best in the employees they’re in charge of and make sure they’re efficient at their jobs

Here are some examples of leadership abilities to include on your resume:

  • Delegation
  • Giving feedback
  • Conflict resolution
  • Organization
  • Motivation
  • Integrity
  • Strategic thinking
  • Risk assessment

Pick a suitable format for your resume and highlight these abilities in each section to emphasize that you’re qualified for a leadership role. 

Even if you’re not applying for a supervisory position, demonstrating your leadership skills can make your resume stand out to employers and differentiate you from other candidates with similar professional qualifications.


Ida Pettersson is a Content Writer who enjoys supporting job seekers as they plan their next career moves. She graduated from New College of Florida with a double major in Philosophy/Chinese Language and Culture. In her spare time, Ida enjoys hiking, reading, and gardening.

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