Simple Updates to Improve the Functionality of Your Office


It’s ironic that many offices, though set apart as places of work, are often designed in such a way as to impede productivity. If you think your office design could do better, it’s worth some time to see which updates you can make. If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your office, there’s a good chance that there are some simple and inexpensive updates you can perform to help improve productivity and boost employee morale.

Improve Organization

Although individuals can adapt to almost any type of office space, the most productive employees are those whose office is well organized. Take a step back and try to get a look at your office’s overall flow and organization to see if there are some things that might need to be improved. For example, you may need to move network printers so that they’re closer to the individuals who do the most printing. In many cases, you can make these changes with minimal monetary investment.

Add Power Outlets

Many important tools required by a modern office use electricity. To ensure these tools are available where you need them, you may need to add some power outlets so that you don’t have to run extension cords or place certain devices in less-than-ideal locations. A commercial electrician can typically power the new outlets from the existing outlets, making this a quick and simple update that will pay big dividends in terms of productivity.

Create Collaboration Areas

Although not every company will benefit from wide-open spaces, as is the trend in modern office design, nearly every company can benefit from a few well-designed collaboration spaces placed thoughtfully throughout the building. By providing places for employees to come together and share their ideas, you can improve teamwork and productivity without much of an investment. Be sure to put limits on these areas to prevent them from becoming time-wasting spaces.

Update Lighting

Good lighting is absolutely crucial to help employees perform at their peak. If you don’t have access to natural light, make sure to add adequate artificial lighting in various hues to create a warm and positive environment. It’s also a good idea to consider upgrading your fixtures to LED lighting so that you can adjust the color temperature and reduce your energy usage.

Gain Third-Party Insight

When you spend a lot of time in the same location, it’s easy to overlook that location’s flaws. That’s why, when thinking through potential updates to your office, you may want to bring in an objective third party to offer their advice. It doesn’t have to be an expert, just someone who doesn’t normally spend time in your office. This will help you make the improvements that are truly important so that you don’t waste your money.

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