Looking For A New Job? Here Are A Few Tips To Keep Your Head Above Water And Find The Right Role


It is always stressful when you find yourself in the position of having to look for a new job. It does not matter whether it is because you are a graduate looking for that first step on the career ladder or someone with decades of experience who has suddenly found themselves out of work. Even though there are many job vacancies, there is so much uncertainty to deal with, especially when things are as chaotic as they are right now. However, there are plenty of simple things that you can do to make sure that you are moving in the right direction and that you are taking sensible steps to save and make money where you can. Here are some tips to help you keep your head above water while you look for that dream position.

Don’t Panic

Let’s start with one of the most important things to remember at a time like this. It is perfectly understandable that you would worry about what you are going to do but rushing about and panicking is not going to solve anything. The best way to finding the perfect job is by choosing your next steps carefully and precisely. Remember that there are jobs out there and that there are support options available to you if you need them.

Know What You Are Looking For

One of the most frustrating things that you can be asked when you are looking for a job is “what kind of thing are you looking for?” Either you know exactly what you want to do, and you have not been able to find it, or you simply have not found the kind of career option that you are interested in yet. However, as irritating as that question is, it is vital. Once you know what you are looking for, you can narrow your search and have a much better idea of what is going to be the kind of position that would suit you and what would be a temporary fix at best. Don’t be afraid to take some time to really think about what is going to be the right fit.

Use Your Network

Some people find this step much easier than others, but when you are looking for work one of the biggest weapons in your arsenal will be your professional and personal networks. “It’s all about who you know” is not always true but getting some good advice and pointers from people who are either in the industry you want to work in or who have been in the same position as you can make a huge difference. Apart from giving you experienced advice, they can give you invaluable moral support at this time.

Look For Smart Savings

It goes without saying that you are going to be wanting to watch what you are spending when you are looking for a new job. If you can, try to cut down on those incidental costs that can mount up quickly if you are not paying attention. We are talking about impulse purchases, food, and drinks out, and any direct debits for things that you are no longer using. Look for ways that you can earn money from home while you look for work. Think about selling any of those pandemic or holiday season purchases that you either have not opened or have rarely used.

You should also look to see if you can save or make money by switching providers. Take phone plans, for example. A SIM-only plan is a great cost-effective option that will make sure

that you are only paying for what you need, and Lebara offers a refer and earn package that could net you up to £50 for every person that you refer. Your friend will also get up to 50% off the first three months of their plan. What’s more, Lebara does not require a credit check so you can sign up with no fear of nasty surprises waiting for you on their 30-day rolling plan.

Be Bold With Your Application

One of the most important things to remember when you are looking for work is that it is not always enough to have the relevant experience. A big part of convincing employers that they should take a gamble on you is being able to sell yourself. Now, this should not be misinterpreted, as filling your application with unearned bravado and obvious inflating the truth is never going to go over well. But minimising your talents and accomplishments is just as big of a mistake.

Look at your CV and make sure that you have put your achievements front and centre. When you are writing a cover letter, do not give the person reading it a reason to think that you might not be the best person for the job. Tell them why you are and do so in no uncertain terms. If you are anxious about an interview, give yourself enough time beforehand to go over everything that you want to say and think about what they are going to ask you. Have some questions ready to ask them to show that you have done your research, and remember that it is better to take a chance and apply for a job that you are not sure that you can get than it is to not apply in the first place.

Think About Adding New Skills

We have all had the experience of looking through endless job listings and finding that we are missing one or two essential skills for roles that we would otherwise be perfect for. If you have noticed that there is something that is coming up time and again, do not despair. Instead, look for an online course that could give you the qualification you need to give your CV a boost. There is a skill shortage right now so think about where you can offer your expertise. Whether it is graphic design, digital marketing, or accounting, you will be amazed by the number of skills that you can learn with online classes. What’s more, doing this learning while you are looking for work will show any potential employers that you are self-motivated and committed to pushing your own development.

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