10 YouTube videos that will help a small business grow


Whether it’s popular unboxing videos, how-to-guides, podcast interviews, or influencer endorsements, YouTube videos are now one of the biggest and most successful 21st-century marketing tools.

More than 2 billion people visit YouTube every month. That’s one-third of all internet users. And 73% of them say they’re more likely to buy after watching YouTube videos showing how a product or service works. Overall, YouTube videos increase the chances of a sale by a massive 144%

And here’s the best part. Only a fraction of small businesses are harnessing the power of YouTube. In the USA, the number is as low as 9%. So getting your content on the video-sharing platform is a great way to front-run the competition.

But what’s the difference between YouTube videos that get millions of views and the ones that convert eyeballs into sales and subscriptions? Headway Capital has the answer. The independent investment firm has come up with its own how-to-guide on writing, filming, and producing YouTube videos that will help your small business grow.

It provides useful tips on connecting with customers in a natural way, strengthening your brand story, and crafting compelling narratives that turn viewers into paying customers.

And don’t worry if you’ve never held a tripod or operated a camera dolly. You can make YouTube videos that sell with just a smartphone and a well-structured script. Find out how to do it in the infographic below.

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