5 things to consider when hiring a personal injury attorney


Finding a personal injury attorney to represent you after you’ve been injured in an accident can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to contend with going to multiple doctor’s appointments, missing work, and experiencing pain, you have to worry about how you will pay for everything. You may have insurance but not be sure if it will cover all of your bills.

Hiring a qualified personal injury attorney is very important if you want to receive the money you deserve. There are a few things you should think about when selecting an attorney.

1. Does the lawyer specialize in the type of accident that you have had?

Did you slip and fall on a greasy floor in a fast-food restaurant, or were you injured in a car accident? Did you injure yourself using a faulty product or were you injured in the line of duty at work?

There are several different types of personal injury law and it is important to find a Texas personal injury lawyer who specializes in the kind of lawsuit or Insurance claim that you will need to file. Be sure to ask a potential attorney if they have handled cases like yours before. Get specific details and find out if they were triumphant.

2. Does the attorney have time for your case?

Like all businesses, there are some law firms that simply bite off more than they can chew. They may have so many cases that they will not be able to give your suit the attention it deserves. If you go to a small law firm, ask how much time the attorney will have to devote to your case exclusively each week. If you interview an attorney at a large law firm, ask how big the staff is and what kind of research the staff members do.

3. Do they have a good reputation with the State Bar?

Every state in America has a bar association. The job of the state bar is to deal with various legal issues that come up for attorneys and their clients. They may sponsor certain types of legal research and they can put attorneys in contact with other attorneys.

In some states, a bar association may disbar a lawyer who has violated certain rules of ethics. You should call your state bar association and make sure an attorney is in good standing with them before you hire them.

4. How long have they practiced law in your state?

Different states have different insurance laws, and it is very important that you hire a lawyer who is well-versed in the specific rules of your state. The differences in traffic accident laws can be very subtle and knowledge of those little differences may be critical to winning your case.

For example, there are two different basic kinds of insurance rules in the United States, fault and no-fault. If you live in a no-fault state, your own insurance company will pay your bills no matter who caused the accident.

If you live in a fault or tort state, the person who caused the accident pays the bills. However, there are many different kinds of at-fault state laws. Some states have pure comparative laws While others have pure comparative negligence laws.

The attorney you hired should not only be experienced in the type of Insurance your state has but in the particular nuances of the law in that state.

5. Can they provide references?

According to the website 1800injured.care, it is very important that an attorney can get somebody to recommend them. They should provide you with the names and numbers of a

person or two that you can call. There are even some companies that will research lawyers for you, so you won’t have to do all the leg work yourself.

Having an accident with injuries can be a horrible experience. Good legal representation can help to soften the blow.

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