4 Internal Linking Benefits for SEO and Conversions


Internal links are anchor tags that redirect to pages of the same domain. Simply put, they are small bridges between the webpages of your website. Should you successfully execute a strategy that reaps all internal linking benefits, you will be smiling all the way to your web traffic analytics tool.

As it turns out, internal linking appeals to visitors and search engines in equal measure. It helps you create a hierarchy in your site, which positively impacts user experience. Search engines find your website easy to navigate when they come across internal links. Thus, you want the weight you place on other strategies such as content to equal the value you think internal hyperlinks have.

Moreover, search Engine Optimization strives to help search engines find, navigate, and rank your website better. On the other hand, conversions are a metric that gauges your success regarding a set objective. Internal linking can help both efforts. A more in-depth look at the importance of internal linking reveals how.

Internal Links Make Your Website More Crawlable

Internal links are among the factors that increase your website’s crawl depth. Greater crawl depth benefits you in two ways. Firstly, including an internal link that redirects to a new page on older pages helps search engines index content quickly. The faster crawl rate helps your site rank better. Secondly, search engines place lesser weight on old or outdated content. Suppose internal links feature in fresh content and point to old pages, search engines will treat the timeworn information as valuable and show it on search results.

Internal Links Increase Your Website’s Ease of Use

There is no better way to silo your site’s content than using internal linking. After grouping related information in a hierarchical manner, visitors find it easy to use your website. The increased user-friendliness goes a long way to boosting traffic and causing a conversion upsurge. If you are a beginner, you may engage an SEO backlinks service to help you improve your website’s user experience via internal linking.

Internal Links Keep Your Bounce Rate Low

Some visitors leave your website after interacting with only one page, thus increasing your site’s bounce rates. Several reasons, such as slow page load speeds, may cause high bounce rates. However, the problem may be that users did not find the information they were hoping to get. With Internal links, you can redirect visitors to high-value pages. Search engines value the resulting low bounce rate and rank your website higher.

Internal Links Increase Page Authority

Internal links provide you with a way to spread ranking power (link juice) to new pages. Once you add internal links redirecting to a new page on an old page, the fresh content has better chances of showing up on search results. This scenario dawns after the established webpages pass authority to the just-published ones.

SEO Success Is an Internal Link away

While there are numerous tools to aid your online marketing efforts, internal linking swiftly complements them. But when implementing an internal linking strategy, remember to consider best practices recommended by search engines and SEO specialists. A sound link profile precedes improved SEO and increased conversions.

About the Author

Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. His other interests include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

One comment

  1. Good tips Patrick and Chantal. I doubled down on SEO over the past month. Night-day difference. Internal linking has been a focal point of my SEO-optimizing campaign because linking in is an easy way to make blogs attractive to search engines, for all the reasons you list above.


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