The Cracks in the World of Scientific Publishing


The world is ever-changing and so is everything in it. Access to books and other published works has become easy with just a click of a button or a monthly subscription you can find whatever it is that you are looking for. Scientific publication is not an exception to the development of technology nowadays, and with each passing day, there seems to be a new publishing house ready to find new and innovative ways to offer publishing opportunities to emerging scientific writers. Many existing scientific publications like Bentham Science are adapting and staying relevant to the ongoing trends. 

Even though these publications have infiltrated the world web with their expansive offering of journals, research papers, and books that cover different topics in science, technology, and medicine there is still an unavoidable issue with transformation within this industry. Imagine being a writer from a poor country that submits their work to be published, yet people from your country cannot access your conclusive and informative outcomes due to affordability issues.  Accessibility for people in need of scholarly work but who cannot afford these monthly subscriptions is a continuous challenge that the scientific publishing community needs to focus on. It seems as though the shift from traditional scientific publishing towards a technologically advanced form has started a trend where the world of academia competes internally and academics measure their worth and importance through a distinguishable number of publications under their name. However, the ones that are bearing the brunt of these changes are scholars in desperate need of these services. 


The issues that exist within the scientific publishing community expand to unknowing and hopeful writers without the know-how of how things work. Some publications do offer support services, for instance, Bentham Science professionals offer a credible experience to each of their prospective writers by ensuring that the manuscript submission process runs smoothly and that the final publication is impeccable. Peer reviews have been utilized as a way to edit and credit work submitted to various scientific publishing companies. Other issues show evidence that there is still more work that needs to be done to assure scientific writers that the community is committed to making some changes. For now, anyone who is looking for journals and research papers has to pay a monthly subscription until some changes take place. 

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