5 Ways Your Business Can Use Technology for Time Management


In today’s business culture, time is always of the essence. Companies regularly look for ways to conduct work quickly and efficiently, and technology now plays a permanent role in their methods.

Used correctly, digital tools benefit companies by helping workers streamline repetitive tasks and access information on the spot. Here are five tools companies should consider for time management.

Mobile Time Clock

Business doesn’t always take place at a desk. Still, many workers are required to punch in and out of a clock from a standalone location, like a desktop computer. A mobile free time card calculator gives employees increased flexibility. Allowing them to check in from the field or home office saves on trips and cuts back on unnecessary travel. Employees can clock in and out on the spot, making time logs more accurate. Managers can see if workers are staying on schedule and taking necessary breaks. Mobile time clocks with a GPS function allow managers to see where employees are located so they can track productivity and improve job site efficiency.

Cloud Storage

Rather than storing paper files in several filing cabinets around the office, or electronic files on various hard drives, desktops or servers, consider moving your information to cloud storage. Setting up a central cloud location for reports, project notes, photos, videos, and other work files saves employees from searching for what they need. It also helps reduce data redundancy caused by filing copies of the same information in different places. Documents are synchronized and users have access to updated information. Cloud storage reduces the amount of physical space needed for document storage. It also lets everyone connect to files when they’re working from home or on a job site.

Workplace Messaging

Whether employees are working together across the room or across the globe, workplace messaging software allows them to gather, access and share information from a central location. Users participate via chat, bypassing the need to email. For project management, employees use workplace messaging software to track projects, centralize tasks from different software, share files and discuss resolutions. Businesses can create channels for various departments or projects. For example, human resources departments might create a channel for new hires to ask questions and receive company information. Marketing departments can set up channels with individual clients to give them real-time communication and access to project revisions.

Video Conferencing

With a surge of remote workers during the COVID-19 era, video conferencing software has seen increased importance as a workplace tool. Using software to conduct meetings through video allows colleagues to see each other and pick up on nonverbal language often missed through text, email or telephone calls. Remote workers who are regularly away from the office feel more connected when they’re able to meet face-to-face through a video conference.

Aside from connecting employees working offsite, video conferencing helps companies reduce the amount of time and money spent when employees have to travel to conferences or regional meetings.

Video conferencing isn’t limited to meetings. Colleagues can use screen-share functions to go over visual details and collaborate quickly right from their desks. Companies can interview candidates from out of town. Sales teams can give presentations to clients wherever they are, saving on travel time.

Online Calendars

The central accessibility of an online calendar streamlines communication across the board. Online calendars allow users to schedule and view appointments, deadlines and conferences in a single place. Employees can schedule recurring events, set reminders for critical project deadlines and edit details, times and dates. Managers can send meeting invitations to multiple employees, requesting a response to ensure attendance. Most online calendars are accessible from mobile devices, so if employees are away from their computers, they can still use the calendar.

Time management is important for every business, and the digital tools are out there for companies to leverage. Invest time in finding the right ones, and your business will benefit from improved efficiency.

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