What Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) + How Can It Benefit Your Career?


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a program that companies put in place to encourage employees to connect with their community on their company time. Companies like Starbucks, LinkedIn, and Deloitte have been leading the way by incentivizing large-scale programs to show their teams they care for the world, the community, and their employees overall happiness. They’ve paved the way when it comes to excellent labor policies, donating to charity, increasing fair trade, and even more. 

Working for a socially responsible company says a lot about how companies care for their employees, and what that could mean for your career. Say, if a company allows you to give back to your community on their paid time to share with your fellow coworkers, that may mean they will listen to more during a meeting or when you go to negotiate your next salary boost. 

Oddly enough, 76 percent of millennials look for employers based on their CSR efforts. Giving back to the community and your employees has officially turned out to be a key trait top talent looks for when job searching. Not only can these opportunities give you the comfortability to move up at a company, it also can give you more opportunities to network internally, and so much more. 

To check out the top 9 companies that have CSR companies and what those CSR efforts mean for your career, check out Mint’s infographic


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