How to boost your productivity in the first ten minutes of your day


There’s no moment quite like January to promise yourself a new leaf: smarter work, greater productivity, and more meaningful breaks. But did you know you can make the biggest impact on your working style in the first ten minutes of your day?

There are lots of habits we tend to repeat as we get started each morning. Some are good, some are bad – and others may seem positive, but are actually denting your productivity.

One such habit is starting your day with emails. Unless you have the kind of job where you’re likely to have super-urgent, important emails waiting for you, try to stay out of your inbox until just before or just after your mid-morning break. Emails are a productivity killer, and most of us pay too much attention to them when the bulk of our work is elsewhere. It can take 25 minutes to get back up to full-productivity after an email check – so instead of your emails, try starting your day with a carefully composed to do list and straight into a simple, executable ‘Task One.’

The good folks at have gathered 9 early morning productivity tips like this to help you off to a good start in 2020. How many will you nail tomorrow?

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