Working Outdoors: How To Start A Gardening Business


Starting a gardening business others some fantastic benefits – it allows you to keep fit, spend time outdoors in nature, and enjoy all the freedom and flexibility that come with working for yourself. Setting up a business is never easy, but with the right amount of planning and hard work, anyone can turn their gardening passion into a successful business. With this in mind, here is a complete guide on how to start a gardening business:

Have the right skills and equipment

To run a successful gardening business, it’s crucial that you have the right skills and equipment to do a quality job. While formal qualifications are rarely needed, you must have a love for the outdoors, creativity, good communication and experience in the garden. You can easily develop your gardening skills by attending local classes and workshops, or by reading gardening blogs and advice forums online. It is also important that you have the right tools to do the job. According to lifestyle blog EverythingHomes – “15% say their gardens have suffered due to unreliable garden equipment.” Investing in quality equipment is particularly important if you’re starting your own gardening business – it will help your company appear more professional, increase productivity, and ensure that you provide a quality service. Some top gardening tools to purchase include: a a reliable lawnmower, a steel garden spade, and professional shears. You will also need basic garden essentials like gloves, shovels and a watering can. Also, there are times that a need to cut branches with pose saws is necessary as there are distant areas that a chainsaw may not be able to reach. For a yard that has a mountain of fallen leaves, a leaf mulcher is one essential piece of equipment that is also worth the investment. Check out BestOfMachinery for a buying guide on the best leaf mulchers in the market today. It is also important that you have the proper protective gears when using power tools like pole saws and most importantly when applying pesticides and harmful chemicals. Moreover, Tool Pip can also be of great help with its amazing variety of chainsaws.

Understand the job

If you’re interested in starting your own gardening business, it’s important to understand what the job involves. The role is fairly diverse but some typical responsibilities include – planting flowers and other plants, removing weeds, pruning, mixing and applying insecticides, working with clients to create custom garden designs, and calculating estimates for clients taking labour and material costs into account. You should also be aware that gardening is a seasonal job and most work is carried out in the summer months or over the holidays. For that reason, you must plan for the busy and quiet periods and manage your budget accordingly.

Choose a business name and legal structure

Another crucial step in setting up your own gardening business is to choose a business name and legal structure. You should choose a name that’s unique, easily recognisable, and tells customers what your business is about. Fortunately, many online name generators can help you create interesting word combinations for your gardening business. Once you have a name in mind, you must choose a legal structure for your business. The three main business types in the UK are a sole trader, partnership, and limited company. Most gardening professionals operate as sole traders as this is the simplest option and allows business owners to have complete control over their company. There are advantages and disadvantages of each option, hence why it’s important to consider your choices carefully and choose the legal structure that best suits your business needs and requirements. Remember that before you start working, you must register with HMRC for tax, National Insurance, and possible VAT. If you decide to employ anyone, you’ll also need to register for PAYE.

Take out insurance

Insurance is a must for all businesses, including the gardening industry. You must take out public liability insurance that will cover you for any accidents or injuries, as well as theft or damage of your property. Failing to have the right level of cover will mean that you will be personally liable for any costs incurred as a result of accidental injuries or damage to your equipment. Having insurance will give you complete peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in any unexpected situations. Make sure you look around on price comparison sites to get the best deals and always take out the correct level of cover for your business.

Market your business

You must start promoting your business straight away to find customers and build brand recognition. When you start any business, it’s essential to build a portfolio showcasing your work and skills. Ask friends or family if you can do work in their garden, then take photographs to include in your portfolio and on your website. This will build your experience and help you win over new customers. In the gardening industry, referrals and repeat business are extremely important. For that reason, you must provide every customer with the highest level of service possible and build rapport with your clients.

Final thoughts

Starting your own gardening business can be hugely rewarding and allows you to turn your passion into a career. It’s important to keep in mind that setting up a new business is hard work, but if you’re prepared to put in the time and effort, there’s no reason why you can’t start your own gardening company. Use the above tips to help guide you on your business venture and lead you towards business success.

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