How Minimalist Living Can Help You Spend Less


The minimalist lifestyle trend has been around longer than you think — it’s just recently soared in popularity due to shows like Marie Kondo’s tidying up and Tiny House Living. You may be slightly interested or possibly very turned off by the idea of having to cleanout your home and simplify. However, minimalist living can bring many benefits in terms of making you feel happier, more organized, and free from your material belongings. Of course, if you are living with less it also means you are spending less money.

Why minimalism?

Although decluttering is a large part of minimalism, an even more important aspect is the mindfulness behind each decision. Minimalists are known for their tiny wardrobes or bare living spaces but in fact, that is because each possession caries value or makes them happy. However, you don’t have to completely rid all of your belongings to reap the benefits. Taking on just a few minimalist ideas can help declutter your physical and mental space while also benefiting your wallet.

How to apply it to your finances

To live more and spend less, you have to make intentional purchase decisions. For each purchase, you should ask yourself:

  •  why you need the new item
  • how long it will benefit you
  • whether or not you already have something that serves the same purpose

Other methods include putting time parameters on purchases like waiting 48 hours to make sure it’s something you really need to buy. One way to make some money is to clean out your closet and home and sell items you don’t need. You can also donate your goods to benefit someone else.

Minimalism isn’t about limiting or restricting — it’s about freeing yourself from being weighed down by all of your stuff. You can still invest in things that are important to you like traveling or self-care, just as long as you have thought about the meaning behind those purchases.

For ideas on how to start with some of the minimalist living ideas, check out these 10 TED Talks on minimalism to help you spend less (Source: Mint.)

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